Last February at the beginning of Lent Angie created “Lent at Home” packages for all of us. In the first week's activity was to plant a package of seeds. We took our seeds and carefully planted them according to the directions. We set them in the sun and watered them and watched and waited, and waited and waited. And nothing happened. There was not one little sign of life. We checked in with others and their seeds were sprouting but we had nothing. Finally, it seemed ridiculous to keep watering dirt so we gave up. The dirt, dried out and I sprinkled it into my palm plant so it didn’t go to waste.
The palms spend the summer on out patio and then come inside and live in our dining room window for the winter. This week while watering I notices something blooming. There amongst the branches was a purple petunia. Somehow out of what seemed to be hopeless, in the middle of winter bloomed this beautiful spring flower.
This is such a reminder to me that with God there is nothing that is hopeless. Things might not happen at the time you hope, or in the way we expect. However, there are no lost causes in the kingdom of God.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Gina
Note from the Reopening Committee
As a faith community, we are concerned with the health of everyone that attends our church. Navigating COVID-19 has been a challenge. The reopening team reviews these guidelines regularly. If you have any concerns, please reach out by email,
Hunterdon and Warren County level of transmission are now low, therefore masks are now optional. However, please be respectful of your distance to others.
Please use the hand sanitizer upon entering the sanctuary.
We recognize many want to shake hands and hug; however, since everyone has different levels of comfort around this let’s be cautious and refrain from doing so.
Thank you for your support, we know this has been a long and trying season.
