Simply Grace United Methodist Church
Archived Sermons
Worship Service videos from previous weeks can be found on YouTube through the links given here.
Winter 2021
Summer 2021
This month we are looking at what would living with Jesus look like. Today we are headed to Jericho, a village outside of the larger Old Testament city of the same name, and we’ll see what life looks like in this ancient village and how a visit from Jesus can make a big change.
As the apostles traveled with Jesus there were times that were the mountain tops where things were just so amazing and then there were times when they felt pretty useless. Today we are going to join them on a mountain top experience that ends in a in a deep valley. But both were meant to bolster their faith.
Today we are going to join up with Jesus in the city. Throughout the bible we can see the city through two different lenses, respect for its importance and challenged by its troubles. As His followers, we might need to consider, are we being called to join Jesus in His heart for cities?
The first recorded hours of Jesus’ ministry are a whirlwind of activity and excitement. Something new and unexpected is happening here! Life with Jesus is on the move. Live 8/1
When was the last time something really motivated you enough that you were willing to make a change when you heard the message? Today we are traveling with Jesus to the lakeside to see how he moves one man to change. Live 8/8
Did you ever wonder what Jesus was like? What would Jesus’ friends have to say about him? What was he like on most days when he was just hanging with friends? Today we are getting a glimpse of Jesus as a friend and consider what we might learn from him about being a good friend. Live 8/2021